Sunday, May 15, 2011

Would You Rather? (On-The-Go)

Would you rather? This game is guaranteed to provide hours of senseless humor and interesting conversation! I love playing this unpredictable game with my friends and family, each of us coming up with an even wackier question than the one before, and when I heard there was a Would You Rather board game, with stacks of pre-made questions, I decided to try it out. For this past Christmas I received the Would You Rather On-The-Go card game. This version is much smaller than the board game (hence-On-The-Go) and comes with a single stack of card questions.
So, the question is, why should you pay money for something like this when you can simply make up your own -free- questions? With many games, I would say it is worth it to purchase the actual game. For one, the game usually involves other aspects and twists to how the game is played; they also make it a lot easier not to run out of topics.For example, if you have ever played the card, game, Apples to Apples, you know the endless supply of topics that it provides.
While I cannot speak for the full version of Would You Rather, since I have only played the On-The-Go version, I can say you'll be better off saving you're $ and using a little creativity. While playing this game with my two younger siblings I noticed the same questions were repeated over and over again, only in different wording; The same type of questions were also repeated. In some topics, we even found typos where words were missing!

So, if you and your family have at least a little bit of humor and a little bit of creativity (& we all do!) gather around and create your own version of Would You Rather! Chances are, you'll have more a lot laughs when the questions are personalized.

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